Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Guess its been awhile

Good news and bad news.
Good news I got a full time job finally that I think I really like.
Bad news I have to pay $1200.00 to get my car fixed.
Good news it's my birthday on the 13th
Bad news having my gallbladder taken out in December
Good news I love Josh more than ever
Bad news Jay Gatsby died
Good news Phineas is healthy and adorable
Bad news Great Grandma died at 103 years of age
Good news she had a wonderful life
and Good news going on 8 months of sobriety
...there you have it just an update of what has been happening

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Wow! You've had a lot going on in your life!

Sorry life seems to have been a bit rough recently... About your car, I had to pay over $1,600 a few months ago to get my car fixed, so I know how you feel...

Congrats on the new job & the 8 months of sobriety! Oh, and happy early birthday! :)