Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So I don't really know if anyone out there is really reading this or not. I am going to start putting ideas that I have on here for my book. Thoughts and what not so I am hoping it is going to start interesting people to read.

How does one start to tell a story that has not ended...

There are several phases to my life so far as I can tell
1.) From birth to my mother and fathers' divorce
2.) My new dad to coming out at 16
3.) Coming out to graduating
4.) Graduating to moving to Boston
5.) From Boston to moving back to Rochester
6.) Rochester to here and now

So here you have it this is what I am going on right now. It is going to take awhile but hopefully I can get started again and make this book happen.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

So can I expect to be mentioned in either chapter 4 or 5? :)