Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Guess its been awhile

Good news and bad news.
Good news I got a full time job finally that I think I really like.
Bad news I have to pay $1200.00 to get my car fixed.
Good news it's my birthday on the 13th
Bad news having my gallbladder taken out in December
Good news I love Josh more than ever
Bad news Jay Gatsby died
Good news Phineas is healthy and adorable
Bad news Great Grandma died at 103 years of age
Good news she had a wonderful life
and Good news going on 8 months of sobriety
...there you have it just an update of what has been happening

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Looking for an awesome authentic Italian meal? Well then go to Portofino Bistro 2171 West Henrietta Rd Rochester NY 14623 take a look at their website http://www.portofinorochester.com/ for hours and menu items. You are not going to find many restaurants that can offer such fine foods at reasonable prices, they also offer vegetarian and gluten free menu.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Equal = Grounds in the South Wedge

Hello friends if you are looking for a great place to have fun or maybe relax come to Equal=Grounds 750 South Ave Rochester NY 14620. Open 7 days a week 7am-12am Monday-Friday and 10am-12am Saturday and Sunday. Best coffee and service in town.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So I don't really know if anyone out there is really reading this or not. I am going to start putting ideas that I have on here for my book. Thoughts and what not so I am hoping it is going to start interesting people to read.

How does one start to tell a story that has not ended...

There are several phases to my life so far as I can tell
1.) From birth to my mother and fathers' divorce
2.) My new dad to coming out at 16
3.) Coming out to graduating
4.) Graduating to moving to Boston
5.) From Boston to moving back to Rochester
6.) Rochester to here and now

So here you have it this is what I am going on right now. It is going to take awhile but hopefully I can get started again and make this book happen.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


It is good to go and hang out with your friends by yourself. It seems like an easy thing to do, but at times, hard to remember. It actually takes a lot to get out of your house and just go at times, do it. I know that I hardly do but when I do I have fun. I still think of my guy at home and I realize he is probably do his own thing relaxing so it is not that big of a deal. It takes friends to make you realize this. Hold friends to you closer than you would think. You will need them and they will be there for you. Appreciate them.

Friday, February 6, 2009


Not what you think...I have been on short term disability now for over a month and I find myself wanting to go back to work less and less. I mean considering they pushed me over the edge. I also find myself wanting to start writing my book again, rather starting over, I started it about 8 years ago and I find that a lot has changed so therefore the theme has to as well. I don't know when and if I will be returning to work. In the mean time I feel if I blog it will help me keep an open thought process. Look for more posts to come.